I wish I could sleep right now. My mind is racing, and won't slow down for anything.
Tonight was the last high school musical for me, and for a lot of us. It was sad watching it from the audience and not performing. That was somewhat my choice though. And the fact that I must work in order to live, but that's another story. I miss performing. Being on stage. The week of the show jitters. The first night worries. The last night joys. Being around all the drama kids. The drama geeks. The kids that have greatly impacted my life. Some of my closest friends.
Tonight was bittersweet. More of that is to come I suppose. There are NINE school days until graduation. 9 days. Thirteen years of schooling leading up to this one day. Crazy. Then college. I know I want to perform on the stage in college, but is that too far fetched? You might think it's corny, but theatre is one of my passions. I cannot leave it at the high school. Maybe I'll have to. I just don't know.
I think that is one of the most scary things about life. Not knowing. It is all in God's hands though. I feel like I am trying to follow His path for me with a blindfold on. I just don't know what is next. but no one really does. BUT, I know whatever it is, it's for His honor and glory. Always. That's my goal. And that, is the greatest comfort of all right now.
Embrace it.
Hopefully I will have an easier time getting to sleep now that my thoughts are out there.
(Brain, turn off.. Please!)
P.S. Comment!
I agree, last night was bittersweet. I know we've only had the chance to know most of you guys for the past couple of years, and thus only got to see the last two years worth of 'drama geek' stuff. But it has been so good to watch. You guys are all amazingly talented. It is sad that for some of you, that was the last one together. But continue it. You can in college, so do it.
As for our faith walk, there are times we might go into stuff blindfolded, but I think it's a little more than that.
It is written that, "your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path". I've experienced that many times in the journey, He only illumines the next step or two. The rest of it is scary, because we don't know what other dangers lurk out there. That's where the trust part comes in. We can see the next step or two, but past that it gets a little scary.
And that makes life worth living.
That's basically how I feel.
I so think you could do it in college and yes things are changing, but think about all the exciting adventures that still lay ahead. Life is not over, it's just beginning!
i really like this one cause it is so true i feel the same way about having a blind fold on but that is what makes it intresting and that is what makes us have faith and build our faith.love u!
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