October 14, 2007.
What were you doing that day? That afternoon? Do you remember? How about that night? Say, 2 a.m.?
Some of you were with me at the Aquatic Center. (I think that is what it's called?) Anyways, that is the day I decided I wanted to hurt my heels. Bad. Reallllly bad. Worse than anything I have ever done before. I wanted to go to the hospital it would be so bad. And I had a plan. I wanted to go down the big scary slide. Twice. The first time, I wanted everything to go normal, like all the other kids. The second time I wanted a BIG splash. I mean bigger than JJ splash (sorry JJ =])!!!
When I got towards the bottom of the slide I was gunna pick my feet up so I would glide across the water. Only that didn't happen. Since I was set out to hurt my heels, I slammed my feet down on the bottom of the pool. Ouch! That slide/pool/bottom of the pool left behind a legacy. It basically said, "You remember me forever!" And then it smashed my heels. (Thank you Dane Cook!)
Moral of the story: I will remember this for the rest of my life.
Maybe I am exaggerating a little (lot) bit, but almost seven months later and I am still experiencing the pain. Today it is worse than others. I guess it didn't help that I basically stopped using crutches a month after it happen, when I was told to use them 3 - 6 months. Walking around on my tip-toes only lasted for so long. And I don't like taking medicine. There's no one to blame but me, yet I still complain. But OUCH!
Let there be a lesson learned. Quite a few actually. Let's start off with #1 - Lift your feet at the bottom of water slides. # 2 - Listen to doctors. # 3 - Humble yourself, and let others help you when they offer it. # 4 - __________ (fill in the blank!)
As a side note:
I downloaded a not-so-new song today and have listened to it a bunch of times. It is Sweetly Broken by Jeremy Riddle. Beth's blog made me think of it. (She's in my roll o blogs!) I really thought about the lyrics. Some that stood out to me, (basically the whole song but,)....
To the cross I look.
To the cross I cling.
God is love.
God is just.
At the cross You beckon me. You draw me gently to my knees, and I am lost for words, so lost
in love, I'm sweetly broken, wholly surrendered.
Wow. I really love songs like that, no matter how cliche you think they are. It really made me think.. about even just seeing a cross. Or even just wearing one around your neck. It's so much more that. It's about clinging to the cross. Clinging on to Him. Being so crazy lost in love that you have no idea what so say, or what to do. Not this "feeling" of love, but the action. What God did for us is love, but how do we love back? Some of us never do.
I like posting about randomness! I wanna know your thoughts, yes you, because other people always have an awesome way of conveying what I am thinking! Yay! So commentttt.
wow kaydee.
this is good! you gave me chills!
btw, i love that song. everytime i hear it, it's like hearing it for the first time. annnnnd, jp and i were talking about the action of love the other day. crazyness!
great blog. i love you!
and im sorry about your heels. i was there!
wow kd another great blog some great things come from that brain of yours. i really love that song to and the love the christ showed to us was amazing and i dont think we could ever deserve that but it is amazing to know that he loves us through everything.cant wait to see what is the next thing to come. Love u!
October 14th is my brother and sister's birthday. They're two years apart, but they were born on the same day.
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