Sunday, May 11, 2008

2 Peter 3!

2 Peter 3

Go read that. Now.

Randomly, I turned to that page in my bible. I know we have talked about that chapter recently, but it's amazing. Okay, the whole bible is amazing.. but still! I know all of you know this stuff I am blogging on already.. but I like typing my thoughts out. =]

Verse 8 -- My fantastical mind is still boggled at the fact that 2,000 years in only TWO DAYS to the Lord. Did you catch that? TWO DAYS!!!! That's like from today to Tuesday. Monday to Wednesday. I still cannot wrap my mind around that. 

Verse 9 -- But God is being patient with you. God is being patient with me? Are you kidding me? (Slap in the face.) I am one of the most impatient people in the world, and I think we all can be at some point in time, but God still is patient with us. Sigh of relief! Good thing. =D

Verse 6 -- I like reading backwards. Anyways, I thought of Sunday School! Yay, I was paying attention! Noah built an arkie-arkie. And the animals went in by twosies-twosies. (Thank you Beth and Kaeli!)

Verse 17 -- I always like to think, "Oh, this won't happen to me," about everything. As many times as I've read this lately (Be careful so you will not fall from your strong faith.), I realize that it can happen to me. It will. And it does. 
Looking back, which I try not to do very often, I can think of kids in the youth group when I first started going to FSCC that this has happened to, this falling away. I'm not judging anyone, so please don't take it that way. Some of them used to be close friends. I'm not saying that we (or I) have given up on them, but I see it happening to them. I can see myself very easily going down that same path. I know I do go down that same path. That happens to be "my path", to build up "my own kingdom', not God's. (Another slap in the face.)
I know that if it weren't for this close family of people I met a year and a halfish ago, I would still be going down my path. I wouldn't have people there to call me out when they notice I am more worried about my path rather than the Lord's. I am so thankful they are always there for me.
I am also thankful God is so patient. I know He never promised His path would be easy, and I think I like the challenge (in the long run at least.) Life would be dull if it was made out to be easy. 

Verse 18 --  Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the Glory. Note to self: Notice that doesn't say to Kaydee or Allah, or Budda, or anyone (or anything) else. And that it says grow in the grace and knowledge. We can continually grow, and shouldn't stop. I know I have thought I can put my "growing" on pause, and we shouldn't. I also know I have never experience as much growing as I did on Monday night on the missions trip, and I thought I could easily keep that fervor. You know as well as I do that it's not easy, so I don't know why I was crazy enough to think that.

Not so random of a thought: I am called into missions. I am not sure what that means exactly, but that's my calling. Monday night on the missions trip I realized this: Missions = Fervor.

I know this blog is random with a ton of random thoughts, but it gives you a lot to comment on! =] 
So do itttt.


Cristina said...

wow that was amazing like u.that was really eye opening and a good thing to see. also that is sweet that u are called in to the missions field. love you bunches!

thewhisper said...

I know I'm called to do something with playing my guitar and singing. I realized that when we were at the Winter Retreat. The cool thing about finally figuring out our callings, is that God still makes us wonder where he's going to take us. We may be called to make a huge difference (like Noah, pun intended), or to impact lives one-on-one, or to do a skit and travel the world. Even though we know what category we are called into, there is still so much we don't know about what exactly we're supposed to do, and that's a part of the mystery of God.

I feel like I just rambled. Rambling is overrated (allusion to my most recent blog).

uthpastorjj said...

I loved everything about this blog. I wish we could explain what happened Monday night during the trip. And I wish we could keep that fervor.

Still, that last charge...for us to grow in the grace and knowledge of who He is...that should be our desire daily.

This was really good.

Beth said...

Sometimes you amaze me. You go from goofy to deep in minutes.


Don't give up. We've got to keep moving forward. I heard something on the radio today that I'm hoping to blog about. It's along these lines and it gave me goosebumps. But you are right if we are not careful we can all head down that path and we need to continually surround ourselves with people who are going to push us forward rather than bring us down.

Proud of you kiddo.