Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Seventy Days

Okay, I am horrible at updating. I realize this. No excuses.

School --
I love it! Although I am ready for Thanksgiving break! It is hard going to public school all your life then attending a Christian college, but I wouldn't change it for the world. All my classes are challenging, but hopefully I will be able to pull of good grades this semester. I already have my classes picked out for Spring semester and I am looking forward to it. 

Poppy --
My Poppy had surgery on his Aorta on 10th of October. He was finally released from the hospital yesterday, but still not fully recovered. He is not the same as when he went in. He can't barely breathe or do anything on his own. I was excited when they let him go home because I figured he would finally get better. Well, today he was rushed back to St. Anthony's because he stopped breathing. My Grama called my mom while we were all getting our hair done and said she almost lost him. I've never seen my mom that sad before. Needless to say, he his back in the hospital doing more tests. Please pray that if it is God's will he will get better fast. My Grama is a mess and it's put a strain on my parents -- missing so much work and paying for a lot of this. I just want my Poppy back the way he's supposed to be. =[ Bah.

China --
Over the summer I am taking a mission trip with my school over to China! I am super excited. It will be for 3 weeks, and serving in many different ways. We are working with some university students in teaching them about Christ and each one of us will lead our own bible study! Awesome. Also, we are helping out in a TON of different ways. I cannot wait to go over there. Mission work is my passion. My "heart beat" so to say. =D Only thing I am a little worried about is the expenses. 2,500$. Ah! But God will provide... 

Spiritualness --
My fantastical mind has been pondering somethings recently:
*Spiritual warfare. 
*Also, can people of other religions be saved? Such as some Catholics.. Are there saved Catholics that will go to heaven, but they just practice Catholicism... or what? What about other religions. 
I love thinking outside the box.

P.S. I got my second holes done today! And my hair as well! Yay

Maybe it won't take me another 70 days to post..


Melanie said...

Wow kaydee!!! China sounds soo exciting!! I know you'll have a great time! :)

and im praying about your poppy. send my love.

A visible Ghost said...

China sounds like so much fun! I thought about going there this summer but decided on Australia instead. I'm jealous you get to lead your own bible study, it will be so much fun to plan on your lessons and such. Oh and I think Catholics are saved. Even though we differ from them in some ways they generally believe the same thing we do and I believe many of them get saved. Just my 2 cents :-)

- Taylor Peak

Gieselman<3. said...


China will be an amazing experice for you! I know a few people that have gone on that trip and they highly recomend it.

As for people of other religions...
I have wondered this myself and have spent a great deal researching it.

At first I thought it could be possible, specifiacally with Catholics, because they have a simular mind set(don't get me wrong they are not same, just simular compaired to some other religions) and I though sure, they to could be saved. However I don't find that to be as true anymore. Exodus 20:3 tells us that we should put no other god before our God. That would be hard considering some of the peramiters that are set for some religions. I do however think that some, not all, Catholics can and do become saved.

uthpastorjj said...

the only complaint I have is that it takes so long for posts...70 days. Well at least it was worth it. So much cool stuff in there. Some difficult, but cool to hear ya process it. Hang tough.