A full month off from school was definitely needed. I think this is the most I have enjoyed any break. The first two weeks I was at home, hanging out with friends and working. Christmas Eve rolled around and Jason Purvis, Alyson, and I met up to go out and feed some of the homeless in downtown St. Pete. I wish I knew how to link a blog, but check out Jason's to get a glimpse at the night. I can honestly say that was the BEST part about break. I look forward to doing that monthly -- even twice a month. I am pretty sure the next time we plan on going out is Friday the 16th, later on in the evening.. around 9? Anyone is invited to join. =]
On the 26th I flew out to PA for twelve days!!! I got to see snow, TWICE! It was a great time to relax with people I am really close to. Basically family. 19 people in one house -- awesome. Watching a pickle drop on New Years. Going in the hot tub with Laura and Lisa in 20 degree weather. I made so many memories on this trip I will never forget! Sadly on the 7th, Laura and her mom took me to the airport. I wasn't ready to go back, but my toes were frozen.. so I needed to! Cristina picked me up from the airport, with a surprise in the bathroom. KAELI! =D I don't think I have ever been that excited to see someone =D
Now I am packing up and moving back in to Unit L. Hopefully this semester goes a LOT better than last semester. I already know it's starting out better...
Keep Sennit, my Poppy, and my grandmother in your prayers. Sennit is in Texas starting a new treatment for his cancer tomorrow. My Poppy is recovering from his second surgery on the 31st, contemplating what to do next for his heart. And my dad's mom is having physical and mental problems, forcing her to be kept in the hospital with no diagnosis as of yet. So please pray for them.
Spring Semester 09 starts now. Remembering G^3.
I'll try to blog more during the semester too =]